Response of The Glory Field
The Glory Field
by Walter Dean Myers
Jinu Baek
I entered a whole new world, the scary and dangerous world. I got whipped by whites, and I lived in misery. I was in the scary slave ship, and I was in the Live Oak Plantation, and I sailed on the ship against the storm. In the journey of 375 pages, I was a part of the book. I was trying to go to the college, and I was making a speech, and I was on the trip from New York to South Carolina. Muhammad Bilal was taken to America by the slave ship. Lizzy worked on the Like Oak Plantation. Elijah Lewis sailed against the strong storm, and Luvenia tried to go to the college. Tommy Lewis made a speech, and Malcolm had a trip from New York to South Carolina.
While Muhammad was hunting a Seen-Ba, slave catchers got him and he was sent to the slave ship. Muhammad had such a hard time in the slave ship. It was bloody, full of screaming of dying people, crying of babies, smell of waste, and diseases. " ...dead...screams....terrifying...darkness..."(P.7)
Lizzy was working on the Live Oak Plantation. Lizzy escaped later and finally reached yankee's camp, "excited... scared... both"(p.61) Lizzy had to escape because if she didn't, she would get whipped by slave owner.
Elijah's grandparents needed money to live. Elijah decided to earn some money by rescuing Little David. He sailed through the storm. It was really hard. "The water just beyond the first bank was rough with breaker line running at a sharp angle to the shore"(p.108). Finally, he earned some money.
Luvenia wanted to go to the college and tried very hard, but it was really hard to make it because she was a black. She decided to open hair dressing business instead. She became a successful businesswoman. "The party lifted Luvenia more than she thought it would. There ws something in the air, feeling that everybody in the small apartment could sense, which held them all together"(p.205).
Tommy was a highschool basketball player. He had an opportunity to go to the college, but he had to follow white rules if he wants to go to the college. Instead, he made a powerful demonstration at the Press Meeting about how hard and painful it was being a black."didn't give us the keys...only the chains...(p.284). He put into jail and lost his opportunity.
Malcolm had a trip from New York to South Carolina, where the Glory Field and Live Oak Plantation were. He learned the family history.
The Glory Field is where Lam, who was the boy escaped from Live Oak Plantation with Lizzy was buried. They couldn't bury him in the Live Oak Plantation because the slave owner didn't allow them to. After he escaped, he died in the Civil War.Slavery started because of the money. Even though it is really bad reason to be slave, blacks tried to be freed men as Lam did. It was a long journey and now, it became much better like blacks can sit on the front of the bus, and they also have power to vote. I'm glad that now segregation is getting weaker and weaker.
-Jinu Baek-
by Walter Dean Myers
Jinu Baek
I entered a whole new world, the scary and dangerous world. I got whipped by whites, and I lived in misery. I was in the scary slave ship, and I was in the Live Oak Plantation, and I sailed on the ship against the storm. In the journey of 375 pages, I was a part of the book. I was trying to go to the college, and I was making a speech, and I was on the trip from New York to South Carolina. Muhammad Bilal was taken to America by the slave ship. Lizzy worked on the Like Oak Plantation. Elijah Lewis sailed against the strong storm, and Luvenia tried to go to the college. Tommy Lewis made a speech, and Malcolm had a trip from New York to South Carolina.
While Muhammad was hunting a Seen-Ba, slave catchers got him and he was sent to the slave ship. Muhammad had such a hard time in the slave ship. It was bloody, full of screaming of dying people, crying of babies, smell of waste, and diseases. " ...dead...screams....terrifying...darkness..."(P.7)
Lizzy was working on the Live Oak Plantation. Lizzy escaped later and finally reached yankee's camp, "excited... scared... both"(p.61) Lizzy had to escape because if she didn't, she would get whipped by slave owner.
Elijah's grandparents needed money to live. Elijah decided to earn some money by rescuing Little David. He sailed through the storm. It was really hard. "The water just beyond the first bank was rough with breaker line running at a sharp angle to the shore"(p.108). Finally, he earned some money.
Luvenia wanted to go to the college and tried very hard, but it was really hard to make it because she was a black. She decided to open hair dressing business instead. She became a successful businesswoman. "The party lifted Luvenia more than she thought it would. There ws something in the air, feeling that everybody in the small apartment could sense, which held them all together"(p.205).
Tommy was a highschool basketball player. He had an opportunity to go to the college, but he had to follow white rules if he wants to go to the college. Instead, he made a powerful demonstration at the Press Meeting about how hard and painful it was being a black."didn't give us the keys...only the chains...(p.284). He put into jail and lost his opportunity.
Malcolm had a trip from New York to South Carolina, where the Glory Field and Live Oak Plantation were. He learned the family history.
The Glory Field is where Lam, who was the boy escaped from Live Oak Plantation with Lizzy was buried. They couldn't bury him in the Live Oak Plantation because the slave owner didn't allow them to. After he escaped, he died in the Civil War.Slavery started because of the money. Even though it is really bad reason to be slave, blacks tried to be freed men as Lam did. It was a long journey and now, it became much better like blacks can sit on the front of the bus, and they also have power to vote. I'm glad that now segregation is getting weaker and weaker.
-Jinu Baek-

This week's topic
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Today's interesting facts (1)
Wanton cruelty in the treatment of slaves was forbidden by the Code of Hammurabi, one of the most famous of ancient documents. It was promulgated in the King's name in Babylonia sometime between 2100 and 1800 B.C. The code, however, stipulated that slaves were to be branded on the forehead and forbidden to hide or mask the mark. (source)
Slavery was a universal institution throughout ancient times. For instance, it was never questioned in the Old Testament or New Testament. [ Ancient Civilisations Slavery ] (source)
In ancient Egypt, slaves are known to have been murdered to accompany their deceased owners to the afterlife. [ Ancient Egypt Slavery ] (source)
The first person on record to denounce slavery as an evil was Euripides. He wrote in his play Hecuba, "That thing of evil, by its nature evil,/ Forcing submission from a man to what/ No man should yield to." [ Slavery Firsts ] (source)
At the turn of the last millennium, the world's largest slave market was run by Vikings in Dublin. [ Slavery Vikings ]
One of the causes of the decline of the Roman Empire may have been their use of slave labour. While the ancient Greeks had many impressive scientific and mathematical achievements, they never succeeded in applying any of their discoveries to any practical use, partly because slave labour was cheaper and easily available. By the end of the second century A.D., the ancient world's lack of industrial technology and labour-saving machines started to make it impossible for the Roman Empire to maintain both its military and a healthy civilian population. [ Roman Empire Slavery ]
St. Patrick (circa 385–461), who in his youth had been enslaved in Ireland, was the first prominent historical figure to speak out against the institution of slavery. [ Ancient Britain and Ireland Slavery Saints ]
In ancient China, some slaveowners appointed their male slaves as their heirs if they had no natural offspring. (source)
Slavery ended in Western Europe in the 7th century, when a British girl, Bathilde, was taken as a slave and sold to Clovis II, King of the Franks (638–655). Clovis fell in love with and married her. After the king died, Bathilde, acting as regent for their three young sons, outlawed slavery. She was later canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. [ Saints Slavery The Middle Ages ] (source)
Between 7 million and 10 million slaves were brought to the New World from Africa. (source)
Russia was essentially founded as a by-product of slave raids by Vikings travelling between Scandinavia and the Byzantine Empire in the ninth century. [ World Countries Slavery Vikings ] (source)
The word slave comes from Slav, the name of a group of Eastern European peoples. In antiquity, Germanic tribes captured Slavs and sold them to the Romans as slaves. The Latin word for slave, addict, has become the English word for someone dependent on something harmful. [ Slavery English Words ] (source)
While serving in Congress, Thomas Jefferson introduced a bill that would prohibit slavery in any future state admitted to the United States. This measure could have later prevented the U.S. Civil War; however, it was defeated by a single vote. (source)
Slavery came to an end in the British Empire on August 1st, 1834, when legislation passed in 1833 took effect. The legislation specified an apprenticeship scheme for the freed slaves that in some cases caused former slaves to be treated harsher than before, but the last of slavery in any form in the Empire came to an end by August 1st, 1838. The legislation also compensated slave-owners with £20,000,000; the freed slaves received nothing. [ Lasts Slavery ] (source)
In ancient Rome, many freed slaves were rich and some achieved high positions in government. (source)
In Korea before the mid 18th century, between ⅓ and ½ of the population were slaves. (source)
In the year 1086, around 10% of the population of England entered in the Domesday Book were slaves, with the percentage as high as 20% in some places. [ Slavery Mediaeval England ] (source)
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime, shall ever be tolerated in this state." Thus read the state of Michigan's constitution in 1850. Inadvertently, it legalized slavery as an appropriate punishment for crime. Not until 1963 was the comma shifted from its position after servitude to a position after slavery, and slavery was once again outlawed in the state. [ Laws and Customs Slavery ] (source)
In 1853 Illinois passed a law that required any black entering the state and staying more than ten days to pay a fine of $50. If he could not pay, the black could be sold into slavery for a period commensurate with the fine. [ Slavery Laws and Customs ] (source)
The Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves. Issued by Abraham Lincoln on New Year's Day 1863, the proclamation freed only slaves in the areas controlled by the rebel Confederate government, where Lincoln had no authority to enforce it. [ Misconceptions Laws and Customs Slavery ] (source)
At the end of the American civil war, Northern general Ulysses S. Grant owned four slaves while fighting for the North (who opposed slavery) against the South (who were in favour of slavery). He refused to free his slaves at the end of the war, when he was forced to do so by law. His counterpart in the South, general Robert E. Lee, was morally opposed to slavery and had freed his slaves in the late 1840's, believing that "slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil in any society, a greater evil to the white man than the black". (source)
The country of Liberia was founded as a voluntary haven for freed American slaves. The land was purchased from tribal chiefs in 1822 by the American Colonization Society, the price including among other things a box of beads, three pairs of shoes, a box of soap, a barrel of rum, and 12 spoons. [ Slavery World Countries ] (source)
In the early 16th century, Native Americans were enslaved by the Spanish in the New World. In 1517, missionary Bartolomé de Las Casas, sickened by this enslavement, was the first to suggest bringing Africans to the New World as slaves. He regretted this suggestion almost as soon as he had made it. (source)
In the second half of the eighteenth century, slavery was dying out in not only the northern but also the southern United States. The man indirectly responsible for its perpetuation was Eli Whitney, whose cotton gin, invented in 1793, was so efficient that it injected new life into the stagnant southern economy, dooming blacks to another 70 years of slavery. (source)
Patrick Henry, an American political leader famous for his quote "Give me liberty, or give me death", owned 65 slaves at the time of his death in 1799. (source)
In Thai, one shows politeness by using the word "slave" for "I". [ Languages of the World Slavery ] (source)
Slaves have almost always been used where they would be cheaper and more productive than hired workers. Therefore, in societies that made significant use of slaves, including ancient Rome and the southern United States, there was usually a free lower class that would find it very difficult to find work and would become so impoverished that their living standards would often be lower than that of the slaves. (source)
According to estimates by anti-slavery groups, there were 27 million slaves in the world at the start of the 21st century, more than in any other historical period, despite modern international attention around slavery. (source)
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Movie:Emmitt Till Louis
I really didn't enjoy Emitt Till movie because it was so terrible, even it made me close my eyes. When it shows Emitt Till's face, I was almost shocked. He lost his 1 eye, other on his cheek, chopped head... it was disgusting and it was tragic. I can not believe that people (who killed Emitt Till) could done that kind of thing. I also can not believe that people's face can be changed like that. I can not understand what's so good with whites.(This is just my opinion but if there is segregation, whites should be segregated by blacks.) In my opinion, this case was one of the most important thing in the black's history.
Movie:The Long Walk Home
In 'The Long Walk Home', starring Sissy Spacek and Whoppi Goldberg, the bus part affected me by hitting and chasing black. When a black woman rode the bus, whites bothered her. When she got off the bus, whites followed her and hit her. Her brother tried to help his sister but whites kicked him and punched him. I felt terrible when white kicked the black's brother. Should they kick that little child? In my opinion, whites don't have right to kick or hit blacks.
Cool!!! I didnfmdjlkhsgdkh,hbghjogbghfbuyfkjdfsgojfagjfgsjk
Cool!!! I didnfmdjlkhsgdkh,hbghjogbghfbuyfkjdfsgojfagjfgsjk
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